Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Post-TED Talk

The Morning Of

The morning of the TED Talk I was really stressed  out. Being honest, I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, but lately I haven't been getting a lot of sleep, so it wasn't unusual, but it was something that could increase my stress. I woke up early, or at least early for me, considering that I usually get up at 6:50. I picked out a dress to wear, and I listened to my speech with an app on my phone that would replay recordings. I took countless deep breaths to calm myself even before I got to school, although nothing could calm me except for the completion of this project.

At School

I had a French test the period before gifted, and was really stressed from having both the test and the project on the same day. I felt so much better once French was over, because I knew that similar to the test, the TED Talk would be over soon. Don't get me wrong, I was excited for it, but the nerves sometimes override excitement, and turn it into fear. I went into the audion, and took a few more deep breaths. I looked at the stage, and realized that it wasn't that big of a deal. It wasn't that big physically, and the crowd doesn't even fill up 5 sections.

The Problems Start

After Matt's presentation, I went up to the computer to put in my flashdrive. I was hoping that my video would work, but because of previous malfunctions, decided to test out my video. Of course the video didn't work. Lucky me, right? I decided that I could open it up on YouTube, and was very scared when it wouldn't open up on internet explorer. Google chrome saved the day when Perlman suggested that I try to open it on other programs. Luckily, the video worked, and I could start my project.

During the Presentation

Honestly, the wait on stage before you present drags on so long. It gives you the right amount of time to be stressed again. I took a deep breath, and tried to stay calm as I waited, and finally I heard a voice telling me I could go. I went through my presentation as I talked, and was a little disappointed with the amount of times that I looked at my notecards. I didn't expect to look at them at all, but I felt like I had to look at something, and I was really worried that I would mess up. I did have a few speaking errors, like stutters or what-nots, but I think, out of the very few that I've given, it was the best speech that I have done. Having a mess up that isn't your own can calm you, and that's why I'm kind of glad that the buzzfeed video ads popped up, because it lightened the mood up a little. At last, I heard the applause, and was done, well besides the questions. There weren't any that I didn't expect, or couldn't answer, so I was glad that that part of the project went pretty smoothly.

The Aftermath

When I finished, a lot of my friends told me that I did well. I'm not sure how well I did, because obviously friends wouldn't say something hurtful, even if it's true. However, I was pretty proud of my project, and I think that I got out of it what I put into it, which was a lot of hard work. It feels really good to finally be done and able to just watch other projects. Now that it's over, I kind of want to give another speech, just because I've been enjoying watching everyone's lately. This has quickly become my favorite part of this week, and everyday I look forward to the wonderful things that my friends have prepared.

Looking Back

I'm really glad that I did this project. I'm glad about the way that it went, and I'm proud of myself. I'm not going to lie and say that everything went smoothy, because that never happens. I think that I shouldn't have been as nervous as I was, and I know that you cannot control that, but it still did make me a little more cautious, which isn't a bad thing. I think that putting a lot of time and effort into something like this really shows off at the end. The project in general was an amazing experience. I'm glad that I chose to learn Latin, because it was a little bit of a challenge, but I still enjoyed it. I will continue to learn and improve Latin, and look forward to the benefits that it will bring. The project did meet and exceed my expectations, and although it wasn't ignitus, it was something that I enjoyed.


David's Blog - http://dwmagicgenius.blogspot.com

Jason's Blog -  http://hebrewwithhaste.blogspot.com
Avery's Blog - http://learningtofouette.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Toni!!!
    You clearly showed that you were able to learn Latin and have showed your passion throughout. Your in depth play by play was something we all felt and can relate to. Most of all I love how you can learn the basic Latin you have learned to help you in the future! Good work throughout!
