Monday, March 2, 2015

Almost done CD 1!

This week I have continued with Rosetta Stone. I am almost done the 1st CD, however, due to the lost time of the CD being in the mail, I don't think that I will be able to finish the CD by the next block day. I have changed my goal to finishing the 1st CD by Thursday. I have been spending a little over an hour everyday working on Rosetta Stone, but I think that if I spend more than an hour on the language I will have a hard time processing all of the information, and the time wouldn't have been as productive as it would have if I had just spent an hour working with Rosetta Stone.

The application has been very helpful with me learning vocabulary. My goal even beyond this project is to be able to use Latin as a basis for learning other languages. With the vocabulary I learn, it will help with figuring out English words. I am now even able to understand sentences in Latin because of the vocabulary and grammar that I am learning.

Including all of the vocabulary that I have learned would take way too much time to write, so here are just some examples of what I learned. I have learned other topics, but again it would take too much time to write it all out.

Greetings and Introductions

Medica sum - I'm a doctor
Magistra sum - I'm a teacher
Toni McFarland vocor - My name is Toni McFarland


Ruthenia - Russia
Aegyptus - Egypt
Lutetia - France

Different places

Horti publici - Park
Via - Street
Pons - Bridge

Describing clothing

Tunicula eius flammea est - Her shirt is orange
Thorax laneus eius caeruleus est - His sweater is blue
Bracae eius caeruleae sunt - Her pants are blue

Different parts of a house

Fenestra - Window
Labellum - Sink
Sella pertusa - Toilet

Rooms in a house

Cubiculo - Bedroom
Triclinio - Dining room
Balneo - Bathroom


Radiophonia - Radio
Telehorasis - Television
Computatorium - Computer

Basic actions/sentences

Eae equum habent - They (group of females) have a horse
Ii edit - They (group of males) eat
Mater nostra est - Our mother

To show my progress, here is a link to a video of me learning Latin

In the video, I am learning what languages people write, read, and speak in. Some of the vocabulary used is:

Loquitur - To speak
Scribit - To write
Legit - To read
Sinice - Chinese
Arabice - Arabic
Anglice - English
Latine - Latin

The way that the program helps me the most is by having new vocabulary mixed with old vocabulary. They give me a picture and a list of choices of sentences that match the picture. By using old vocabulary (for example there may be a man in the picture and I know that "vir" means man, if there is one choice that has "vir" in it, I would choose that sentence) I can figure out the new words. The man in the picture might be eating, so if I didn't know the word "edit" means eating, but I do know that "vir" means man (granted that this is the only sentence choice with "vir" in it), I would then guess that "edit" has to do with eating. This is a confusing idea, but essentially I am building my new vocabulary off of what I already know, as a way to test and expand my knowledge. I learned a lot because of the constant reinforcement of old vocabulary. I think that this is my favorite method of learning, because I can learn new and reinforce old ideas at the same time. The problem with this method is the assumptions I may make could be incorrect. However, the new vocabulary is introduced through different styles (pictures, sentence examples, listening) and if I do make a wrong assumption, the other methods of learning the vocabulary will help me to make sure I know the right word.

I commented on Jacob Kaffey, Kat Saddler, and David Weiss


  1. Hey Toni
    As I sit here on the bus home from DC I was bored of science hw so I decided to read some blogs. I think your motivation is amazing. The fact that you can do and make time for an hour a night is superb. Also I think that reinforcing old vocab is the way to go so go Rosetta stone. Hopefully u can get through as many of the CDS as possible. For your presentation are you gonna speak in Latin?

    1. I think that I will introduce some basic vocabulary, to teach the audience a little bit.

  2. Toni I love your blog! I think that you're right about processing the information. When I was learning german on duolingo, I couldn't do it for longer than 30 minutes so I find it mind-blowing that you can do it for an hour! I also loved how you gave us some latin words. It seems rather difficult. Keep up the good work!

  3. It amazes me how you can handle doing this for an hour a day in addition to school and homework all that. Do you think that you will continue learning Latin after the project if you don't finish in time? It would be really cool if you could have a conversation with someone in Latin, but I don't think many people speak it. Anyways, you're doing great!
