Wednesday, February 18, 2015



During the break I finally ordered Rosetta Stone. After first previewing the system, my mom helped me order it online. I'm upset that it won't come until the end of the week, but in the meantime I will continue to research Latin and its influence not only on the English language but on others as well. This delay in getting the program does mean that I will have to spend extra time to meet my goal of having the first level done by the block day after the next one, but I think that I can do it. I'm very excited to start to study the language itself, after researching the background of it. Of course now, because of ordering Rosetta Stone with my email address, all of the commercials on YouTube are from Rosetta Stone. The main subject being "Boring Bill" who has a choice to learn a new language. That's alright, however, because it makes me feel more accomplished with making the same choice as Bill and learning a new language. 


I wanted to learn about the effects of Latin on English speakers. Latin is still used in medicine and science, for scientific names. English has Latin roots, which shows that Latin can help with the development of English vocabulary, as well as other languages. French, the language that I take in school, has Latin roots, and is the root of many English words as well. 

I also wanted to research a final book that I could read as an ultimate test of my knowledge, so that is what I wanted to spend some of my time researching. Hopefully Rosetta Stone will come soon!

Some books that came up were:

  • Latin Vulgate Bible
  • Metamorphoses by Ovid
  • The Aeneid by Robert Fitzgerald Virgil


  • Learning about culture (reading classic works shows the culture of the time period)
  • Personal growth and fulfillment
  • Helpful with other languages
  • Latin grammar is helpful with English grammar
  • Makes you more careful about English
  • SAT scores
  • English accuracy increases

Again I didn't learn about myself through the research yet.


I am planning to start the Rosetta Stone application as soon as I get it, which will be my next step in learning Latin.

(Who Says Latin's Dead? Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.                                <>.)


(Ruccolo, Cara. "A Case for Classics in Middle School." Johns Hopkins, June 2004. Web. <>.)

("Latin, Greek, and Their Non-descendant English." Latin, Greek, and Their Non-descendant English. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <>.)

(Heaton, Chris. "Latin Language." Latin Language. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <>.)

(Pauvr, Claude. "Some Leading Benefits of Latin (and Classical) Studies." Benefits of Latin. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <>.)

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